Different Ways To Take CBD

Different Ways To Take CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an active compound found in cannabis plants that has gained widespread attention for its potential health benefits. As a non-psychoactive compound, it does not produce the intoxicating effects associated with THC, making it an appealing option for those looking to improve their wellbeing. With the growing popularity of CBD, many products have become available in the market. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various ways to consume CBD, including CBD water, CBD topicals, CBD vapes, and CBD edibles, to help you find the method that best suits your needs.

CBD Water

Definition and Key Features

CBD water is a product that combines purified water with water-soluble CBD. This type of CBD product utilizes nanotechnology to break down CBD molecules into tiny particles that can be easily mixed with water. CBD sparkling water is also available, offering a refreshing alternative to traditional still water. This unique formulation allows for rapid absorption of CBD into the bloodstream, providing a convenient way to consume CBD.


One of the most significant benefits of CBD water is its convenience and ease of use. Since it can be consumed like regular water, it is an excellent option for those who want to incorporate CBD into their daily routine without making significant changes to their habits.
Additionally, CBD water offers improved bioavailability due to its nanotechnology-based formula, which ensures that the CBD molecules are absorbed more efficiently into the body. This results in faster and more effective relief from symptoms like anxiety, pain, and inflammation. Furthermore, CBD water is a healthier alternative to sugary drinks and can aid in hydration and overall wellness.

CBD Topicals

Definition and Examples

CBD topicals are products infused with CBD that are applied directly to the skin, providing localized relief for various issues. Common examples include CBD lotions and creams, CBD balms and salves, and CBD patches. These topicals often contain additional ingredients, such as essential oils or menthol, to enhance their soothing and therapeutic effects.


CBD topicals offer targeted relief for specific areas of discomfort, making them an excellent choice for addressing localized issues like muscle pain, inflammation, or skin irritation. As the CBD does not enter the bloodstream, these products are non-psychoactive and do not produce any intoxicating effects. Furthermore, the benefits of CBD topicals extend beyond just pain relief, as they can also contribute to overall skin health and hydration.
On the downside, CBD topicals may not be as effective in addressing systemic issues, as they primarily target the area where they are applied. For those looking for relief from internal discomfort, a different method of CBD consumption may be more appropriate.

CBD Edibles

Definition and Examples

CBD edibles are food items infused with CBD, offering a delicious and enjoyable way to consume the compound. There is a vast array of CBD edibles available, including CBD gummies, CBD chocolate, and CBD-infused beverages. These products often have a longer release time than other methods, providing a gradual and lasting effect.


One of the primary benefits of CBD edibles is their discreet nature. They look and taste like regular food items, making them an excellent option for those who prefer a subtle and inconspicuous way to consume CBD. Edibles also allow for precise dosing, as each piece typically contains a specific amount of CBD.
Despite these advantages, CBD edibles may have lower bioavailability due to the digestive process they must undergo before entering the bloodstream. As a result, they may not be the most efficient way to consume CBD, especially for those looking for immediate relief or a rapid onset of effects.

CBD Sublingual Products

Definition and Examples

Sublingual CBD products are designed for direct absorption under the tongue, bypassing the digestive system and allowing for rapid onset and higher bioavailability. CBD tinctures, CBD sprays, and CBD oils are some common examples of sublingual products. They usually come with a dropper or spray nozzle, making it easy to measure and administer the desired dose.


Sublingual CBD products provide several advantages, including rapid onset and high bioavailability, as they enter the bloodstream directly through the mucous membranes under the tongue. They are also discreet, making them a popular choice among those who prefer to consume CBD without drawing attention to themselves.
One potential drawback of sublingual products is their taste, which can be unappealing for some users. However, many manufacturers have started adding flavors to their products to make them more palatable, addressing this issue for those with taste sensitivities.

CBD Vapes

Definition and Key Features

CBD vapes refer to the inhalation of CBD through vaporized oil, providing a fast-acting and efficient method of consumption. The vapor is produced by heating CBD vape oil, which is often sold in pre-filled cartridges or refillable vape pens.


One of the primary benefits of CBD vapes is their quick onset and high bioavailability. Since the vaporized CBD is absorbed directly into the lungs and bloodstream, the effects can be felt within minutes, making it an ideal choice for those seeking immediate relief. Furthermore, CBD vapes are portable and discreet, allowing for convenient consumption on the go.
However, there are some health concerns and restrictions associated with vaping CBD. Some studies have raised questions about the long-term safety of vaping, particularly in terms of potential respiratory issues. Additionally, vaping is not permitted in certain public spaces, limiting where and when it can be used.

CBD Capsules and Pills

Definition and Key Features

CBD capsules and pills are oral products that contain a predetermined dose of CBD in an easy-to-swallow form. Softgels, capsules, and pills are common examples, each offering consistent dosing and an extended-release effect.


CBD capsules and pills offer several advantages, including familiarity and consistent dosing. Since they resemble traditional supplements or medications, they can be easily integrated into a daily wellness routine. Additionally, the extended-release nature of these products allows for longer-lasting effects, providing sustained relief throughout the day.
However, one potential drawback of CBD capsules and pills is their slow onset and variable absorption rates. As they must pass through the digestive system, the effects can take longer to manifest and may be influenced by factors such as the user's metabolism and the contents of their stomach. This could result in a less predictable experience compared to other CBD consumption methods.
There are several ways to consume CBD, each with its unique set of advantages and drawbacks. CBD water, CBD topicals, CBD vapes, and CBD edibles are just a few examples of the products available for those looking to enjoy the benefits of CBD. Ultimately, the best method of consumption will depend on your individual preferences, needs, and lifestyle. By understanding the various options available, you can make an informed decision and find the most suitable way to incorporate CBD into your daily routine.